Tryout Process FAQs

Tryout F.A.Qs

We encourage all parents to read our Tryout and Selection Process Policy. This policy is updated each year, so it is important to be familiar with the most current version. Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Q:  Do I have to attend all sessions? 

A:  It’s best for your player to attend all sessions. Any Saratoga Youth Hockey (SYHI) players who can’t attend any of the sessions should contact our VP Ops ahead of tryouts.  SYHI players will be placed according to policy.  New players with past travel hockey experience who don’t attend any tryout sessions will be placed on the lowest travel team in their age group if there is space available.  

Q: Who are the evaluators?

A: A combination of people with strong hockey knowledge.

  • Coaches who will be coaching in the age level or who have coached the age level
  • Coaches from other organizations, Skidmore players, former high-level hockey players who are independent and unbiased. 

Q: Who is on the selection committee? 

A: Board members and coaches

  • President
  • VP Hockey Operations (VPHO)
  • A /Red Head Coach for A team selection only
  • B/C Coaches (when possible) for B/C selection
  • CDPC members
  • Additional SYHI board member if deemed necessary or to fill in for another member who is unable to be present.

Q: What is being assessed? 

A: We assess both hockey skills and game play. Large groups may be split into separate sessions for skills.  Scrimmages are played with random grouping for the first session and then sorted into two ability groups for fair play and better assessment.  

Q: What levels of teams are there? 

A: We have red, white, blue, and rec teams for players 10U and older. The red team head coaches at 12U and older are responsible for determining if their teams will be Tournament Bound teams.  This decision will be made each year based on the team’s talent.  

Q: What about where there are four teams at an age level? 

A: If the number of registered players necessitates the need for four teams at an age level, the CPDC and Executive Committee will determine team levels suitable for the registrants' level of play. It would be detrimental to player development to determine the levels of these teams prior to seeing the entire talent pool.  

Q: How are skater tryouts different in different age groups? 

A:10U players do not try out for specific positions. 12U+ try out for a spot at offense or defense.  

Q: How are rankings formed? 

A: We use a “red/white/blue” system. Each color has a point value. The data is entered into a spreadsheet and calculated prior to selection. 

Q: Are the rankings all that matter? 

A: No. The selection committee also uses end of season evaluation and prior player performance to make a decision that is deemed best for a player’s development. This is where maturity, sportsmanship, work ethic, and coachability can play a role.  

Q: This might sound crazy, but what if my child is placed on a higher level team than we think is appropriate? 

A: You may petition to be placed on the next team down. The selection committee will determine if the request can be accommodated. 

Q: What about goalies? 

A: At 10U, goalies can be evaluated as goalies only, or as both player and goalie.  

Q: What do I agree to when I register for tryouts? 

  • You agree to the SYHI Tryout Policy, including the absence policy. 
  • You agree to pay $150, which will be applied to your tuition when you are placed on a red/white/blue team. Any player who chose not to accept their placement will forfeit their tryout fee. The only exception is players who are assigned to rec/development teams.  
  • You agree that your child’s placement is final. Our evaluators and selection committee are chosen for their knowledge and integrity. Each child’s placement is discussed and agreed upon.

Q: How do I find out the results of the tryout? 

A: Offer letters go to red teams first with a 24-hour acceptance window. The same procedure is followed for white teams, blue teams, and rec teams.  

Q: What if I don’t agree with my child’s placement? 

A: Again, we assure you that our evaluators and selection committee have thoughtfully considered each child’s placement. Most families find that even when they are initially disappointed, their player has a fun and valuable experience where they are placed. You always have the option to try out at another organization if you feel that we will not provide the experience that you are seeking for your child. 

Q: What happens once I accept an offer?  

A: You agree to play for the team listed in your agreement and are financially obligated to pay the fees associated with that level of play. You also agree to abide by all policies in our Parent and Player Handbook as well as all USA Hockey policies. If parents and players in our organization violate any of these policies, they are subject to disciplinary action.  

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